
This graduate seminar provides doctoral students in computer science a chance to read and discuss current research papers. Enrollment requires permission of the instructors. Credit units are granted only to active participants.

The main goals of this seminar are learning about current research results in the area of programming languages, static program analysis, program verification, and related areas, as well as practice of scientific presentations and discussions.

Presentation Schedule

Jan 14 Almost-Correct Specifications: A Modular Semantic Framework for Assigning Confidence to Warnings, PLDI'13 Maria, Mitko A.
Jan 21 Verifying Eventual Consistency of Optimistic Replication Systems, POPL'14 Yannis, Malte
Jan 28How tools in IDEs shape developers' navigation behavior, CHI'13 Mitko A., Andrei
Feb 4Precise Reasoning for Programs Using Containers, POPL 2011 Milos, Alex
Feb 11 Understanding IC3, SAT'12 Mitko D., Uri
Feb 21 Inductive data flow graphs, POPL'13 Yannis, Andrei
Feb 28 Replicated data types: specification, verification, optimality, POPL'14 Vesko, Alex
Mar 14 Compositional shape analysis by means of bi-abduction, POPL'09 Malte, Valentin
March 28 Ironclad C++: A Library-Augmented Type-Safe Subset of C++, OOPSLA'13 Yannis, Mitko D.
April 11 Automated error diagnosis using abductive inference, PLDI'12 Valentin, Maria
April 25Show no weakness: sequentially consistent specifications of TSO libraries, DISC'12 Andrei, Uri
May 9Discussion, Retreat Peter, Martin
May 16Automating Separation Logic Using SMT Alex, Milos
May 30MrCrypt: Static Analysis for Secure Cloud Computations, OOPSLA'13 Vesko, Lucas