Do you want to conduct research at the intersection of theory and practice and build state-of-the-art systems? Our lab offers interesting Master thesis projects across a number of active research areas we are currently exploring. Each direction contains a number of sub-topics and we maintain an active list of potential theses (which changes frequently, as to reflect the latest state-of-the-art developments). Many master theses done in the lab have been been published at top conferences.

We encourage students towards real-world impact. A number of systems built in our lab, some as M.Sc. thesis, are released as open-source projects which are widely used in industry and academia. See our GitHub page for details.

Awards and medals

A number of students who have completed their Master theses at our lab have won ETH medals and best thesis awards:
  • Jasper Dekoninck, Best ETH Master's degree in Data Science 2024
  • Robin Staab, Best ETH Master's degree in Computer Science 2023
  • Franziska Eckert, ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis 2023
  • Anouk Paradis, ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis 2021
  • Christian Sprecher, ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis 2021
  • Mislav Balunović, ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis 2020
  • Marc Fischer, ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis 2019
  • Samuel Steffen, Best ETH Master's degree in Computer Science 2019
  • Benjamin Bichsel, Best ETH Master's degree in Computer Science 2018
  • Cyril Steimer, ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis 2016
  • Timon Gehr, ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis 2015
  • Gagandeep Singh, ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis 2014

Thesis at our spin-offs

Master students also have the opportunity to do their theses at our ETH spin-offs -- LatticeFlow (Robust AI), NetFabric (AI for Systems), LogicStar (AI code agents), InvariantLabs (Safe and Secure AI agents) -- and contribute to building state-of-the-art products.

To apply

To apply for a thesis, please send your CV and transcripts to Prof. Martin Vechev.

Past B.Sc./M.Sc. Thesis Students

NameInstitutionTypePosition after thesis
Thibaud GloaguenETHM.Sc.soon to be PhD student @ SRI
Slobodan JenkoNetFabric.aiM.Sc.Junior Machine Learning Engineer at
Batuhan TömekceLocicStar.aiM.Sc.
Marc LundwallETHM.Sc.Head of Engineering at Excellence Learning Inc.
Daniel FreyETHM.Sc.
Gabriela KrasnopolskaETHM.Sc.Data Science intern at Novartis
Jasper DekoninckETHM.Sc. Willi Studer Prize for best Master's degree in data science, PhD student @ SRI
László DirksSnykM.Sc.
Abra GanzETHM.Sc.Researcher at Digital Ethics Center (DEC), Yale University
Tristan GirardLatticeFlowM.Sc.Head Algorithms at mimicry AG
Johan LoknaETHM.Sc.Data Scientist at QuantCo
Yuhao MaoETHM.Sc.PhD student @ SRI
Niels MündlerETHM.Sc.PhD student @ SRI
Robin StaabETHM.Sc. Willi Studer Prize for best Master's degree in computer science, PhD student @ SRI
Mark VeroETHM.Sc. PhD student @ SRI
Johannes WeidenfellerLatticeFlowM.Sc.Software Engineer at ETH Zürich
Mengtao ZhangLatticeFlowM.Sc.
Roman AngehrnETHM.Sc.Senior Data Scientist at Wüest Partner
Fabian BosshardLatticeFlowM.Sc.Maching Learning Engineer at LatticeFlow
Florian DornerETHM.Sc.PhD student at Max-Planck-Institute Tübingen
Franziska EckertETHM.Sc. ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis
Data Scientist at Swiss National Bank SNB
Gabriel FringeliSnykM.Sc.Software Engineer at Snyk
Martin KuceraETHM.Sc.Software Engineer at Google
Wenjie QiuLatticeFlowM.Sc.PhD student at Rutgers, CS Dept.
Jiacheng Tencent Keen Lab
Robert SzaszETHM.Sc.
Nikolas VolkenLatticeFlowM.Sc.Data Quality Intern at LatticeFlow
Mustafa ZeqiriETHM.Sc.Data Scientist Intern at Syngenta
Aurélia AutemETHM.Sc.DevOps Network Engineer at Pictet Group
Simone BarbaroETHM.Sc.Machine Learning Engineer at Oracle Labs
Liangwei Google Tokyo
Fabijan DokicSnykM.Sc.Software Engineer at META
Claudio BLP Digital
Jakob HeckelmannLatticeFlowM.Sc.Software Engineering Intern at Google
Carolin Hecking-VeltmanLatticeFlowM.Sc.Research Engineer (Computer Vision/Neural Rendering) at Synthesia | CDTM | TUM
Miklós HorváthETHM.Sc.research engineer at DeepMind
Felix HuberSnykM.Sc.
Nikola JovanovićETHM.Sc.PhD student @ SRI
Yannick MerkliLatticeFlowM.Sc.Machine Learning Engineer at LatticeFlow
Katja MöhringDeepCodeM.Sc.Intern at Snyk -> Associate and IT Project Lead Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Anian DeepMind
Roger BaumgartnerETHM.Sc.
Hüseyin DeepCode
Luca Beurer-KellnerETHM.Sc.PhD student @ SRI
Tobias BrodmannETHM.Sc.Software Engineer at Ergon Informatik AG
Alexander HägeleETHB.Sc.M.Sc. ETH
Johannes KapfhammerDeepCodeM.Sc.intern @ DeepCode
Tobias LorenzETHM.Sc.PhD student at CISPA
Mark MüllerETHM.Sc.PhD student @ SRI
Anouk ParadisETHM.Sc. ETH Medal for outstanding Master's thesis
PhD student @ SRI
Wonryong RyouLatticeFlowM.Sc.Machine Learning Engineer at Quora
Ioannis PwC
Aleixo Sá Web3 Foundation
Lukas SchärETHM.Sc.Software Engineer at Adnovum
Benjamin SchmidETHM.Sc.Junior Software Engineer at Consor AG
Gishor DeepCode
Christian SprecherETHM.Sc. ETH Medal for outstanding Master's thesis
Wen-Chieh DeepCode
Meet VoraETHM.Sc.Software Engineer at Google
Chengyuan Google
Nick BaumannETHM.Sc.Software Engineer at Ergon Informatik AG
Thomas CambierETHM.Sc.
Rubin DeliallisiDeepCodeM.Sc.Software Engineer at Google
Dimitar I. DimitrovETHM.Sc.PhD student @ SRI
Jonas Google
Rupanshu GanvirETHM.Sc.Software Engineer at IMC Trading
Christiane DeepCode
Luc Google
Petar M. ti&m Holding AG
Jonathan MaurerETHM.Sc.
Momchil PeychevETHM.Sc.PhD student @ SRI
Axel PohlETHB.Sc.M.Sc. ETH -> Partner at Z22 Technologies AG
Carlo SaladinETHM.Sc.
Philippe DeepCode
Robin StaabETHB.Sc.MSc student @ SRI
Steven StalderETHB.Sc.M.Sc. Student at ETH
Andrei Google
Nodar AmbroladzeETHM.Sc.Software engineer at Google
Mislav BalunovicETHM.Sc. ETH Medal for outstanding Master's thesis
PhD student @ SRI
Viktor ChibotaruDeepCodeM.Sc.Software engineer at DeepCode
Jan EberhardtDeepCodeM.Sc.Software engineer at DeepCode
Marc FischerETHM.Sc. ETH Medal for outstanding Master's thesis
PhD student @ SRI
Lavrentios FrobeenETHM.Sc.Senior Software Engineer at Northflank Ltd
Mario GersbachETHM.Sc.Software Engineer II at Microsoft
Adrian HoffmannETHB.Sc.M.Sc. Student at ETH
Jakub KotalETHB.Sc.M.Sc. Student at ETH
Larissa Oculus
Polena LilyanovaETHM.Sc.Software engineer at BlackRock
Viviane OnusETHB.Sc.M.Sc. Student at ETH
Anton PermenevETHM.Sc.Blockchain security engineer at ChainSecurity
Samuel SchmidDeepCodeM.Sc.Software engineer at DeepCode
Christopher SignerETHM.Sc.
Tobias Palantir
Frederic VogelETHM.Sc.Information Security Manager at Scandit
Nils WellerETHM.Sc.Software engineer at ti&m
Cedric BaumannETHM.Sc.Software Engineer at Ergon
Nick BaumannETHB.Sc.M.Sc. Student at ETH
Benjamin BichselETHM.Sc. Willi Studer Prize for best Master's degree in computer science, PhD student @ SRI
Florian BuenzliETHM.Sc.Senior software engineer at Ubique
Pavle DjordjevicETHM.Sc.Software engineer at Bloomberg
Jingxuan HeETHM.Sc.PhD student @ SRI
Quentin HibonETHM.Sc.Blockchain security engineer at ChainSecurity
Tobias KaiserETHM.Sc.Blockchain security engineer at ChainSecurity
Johannes KapfhammerETHB.Sc.M.Sc. @ SRI
Alexey KustovETHM.Sc.Junior Quant & Software Engineer at Crypto Broker AG
Aleksander MatusiakDeepCodeM.Sc.Software engineer at Google
Ylli MuhadriETHB.Sc.M.Sc. student at ETH
Rumen PaletovETHM.Sc.Software engineer at Twitter
Prabhakaran SanthanamETHM.Sc.Researcher at D-MTEC, ETH Zurich
Samuel SteffenETHM.Sc. Willi Studer Prize for best Master's degree in computer science, PhD student @ SRI
Alexandra MaximovaETHM.Sc.Software engineer at Google
Benjamin MularczykETHM.Sc.Software engineer at DeepCode
Matteo PanzacchiETHM.Sc.Software engineer at Facebook
Cyril SteimerETHM.Sc.Software engineer at Ergon Informati
Pascal WiesmannETHB.Sc.M.Sc. student at ETH
Benjamin BichselETHB.Sc.M.Sc. student at ETH
Christian FehlmannETHB.Sc.M.Sc. student at ETH
Andreas FurrerETHB.Sc.
Attila PrintzETHB.Sc.Principal BI Engineer at Vistaprint
Pavol BielikETHM.Sc.PhD student @ SRI
Timon GehrETHM.Sc. ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis, PhD student @ SRI
Gagandeep SinghETHM.Sc. ETH Medal for best Master thesis, PhD student @ SRI
Jeremie MiserezETHM.Sc.Software engineer at Oracle labs
Jibin OuETHM.Sc.System Engineer at Volvo Cars
Pascal RoosETHB.Sc.Software Engineer at flowable
Christine ELCA Informatik AG